More than any time in history, employers understand the need to protect their employees from identity thieves. Yet, with so many identity protection benefits on the market, how do HR professionals know which plan is best for them? That’s a decision they can only make after carefully researching which plan meets their unique needs.

However, there are some features every identity protection benefit must include to be considered. Here are ten of the most important ones!

#1 Monitors more than credit accounts

In today’s high-tech world, traditional credit monitoring services offer very little protection for employees. Perhaps the biggest issue is that these services simply “monitor” your employees’ credit and occasionally alert them to changes. What they don’t do, however, is take action and help employees combat any detected risks.

Additionally, they only monitor accounts tied to employees’ credit and not any of the many non-credit based accounts identity thieves, hackers, and cybercriminals exploit. Your employee identity protection benefit should alert employees about a wide-range of changes, including new addresses, payday loans, and high-risk financial transactions.

#2 Sends alerts in near-real time

When it comes to detecting and combating identity theft, seconds matter! If identity theft isn’t detected quickly, it can take hundreds of hours and, in some cases, years to fully restore a victim’s identity.

That’s why a quality identity protection benefit will alert users about potential risks in near-real time. If you’re unsure about a provider’s response time, ask them! If it takes them weeks, days, or even hours to respond, look elsewhere!

#3 Protects employee privacy

In addition to protecting your employee’s identity, an identity protection benefit should also protect their privacy. While some traditional credit monitoring platforms exploit your employee’s personal data by sending them credit card and mortgage offers — or worse, actually resell employee data — a quality identity protection will safeguard their privacy from potential lenders.

The best plans will even reduce the amount of solicitations employees receive via mail and phone.

#4 Safeguards employee social media accounts

One of the ways your identity protection benefit should help protect employee privacy is by actively monitoring social media accounts. A compromised social media account can lead to major problems for your employees and potentially even bigger ones for your company.

That’s why your benefit should immediately alert employees if it detects signs of potential account takeover.

#5 Resolves pre-existing conditions

What good is an identity protection benefit if it doesn’t cover identity theft victims, regardless of when the theft occurred? If an identity protection provider excludes, or charges additional out of pocket premiums for, covering employees who have pre-existing conditions, this is a clear sign you shouldn’t work with this provider. You should only work with companies that are committed to protecting everyone equally.

#6 Offers a broad definition of family

It’s 2018, so why do so many identity protection providers’ definitions of “family” look like something out of the 1950s?

When selecting an identity protection benefit for your employees, look for a provider that uses a very broad definition of “family.” A provider shouldn’t drop your employee’s children because they turn 18 or head to college. And they shouldn’t refuse to cover a legal dependent for any reason, especially age.

#7 Utilizes auto-on monitoring

One of the most essential features your identity protection service should include is perhaps one of the least known — auto-on monitoring. Many identity protection services require employees to go through a lengthy and often complicated sign-up process to be fully enrolled. If an employee overlooks one step, they are left completely unprotected.

Work with an identity protection provider that begins protecting your employees as soon as the provider receives their SSN.

#8 Provides substantial identity theft insurance

In addition to protecting your employee’s privacy and identity, a quality identity protection benefit should also safeguard your employee’s finances. One of the most important ways they can do this is by providing your employees with a significant identity theft insurance policy.

Make sure the provider offers as much as $1 million dollars and that this amount can cover stolen funds, as well as other costs associated with identity theft.

#9 Offers comprehensive dark web monitoring

An identity protection benefit should also safeguard the contents of your employee’s wallet by scouring the dark web for the appearance of their credit cards, debit cards, or even their licenses.

Notice we didn’t say “scan” the dark web. If a benefit provider uses that phrase, it’s probably a good idea to look elsewhere. There is no scanning of the dark web; that’s not how it works. To survey threats on the dark web, a provider will need to employ a combination of sophisticated technology alongside deeply embedded operatives.

#10 Provides superior identity restoration services

If you truly want to provide peace of mind to your employees, the most important feature your identity protection benefit should include is superior identity restoration services. If an employee does become a victim of identity theft, their benefit should come standard with certified Privacy Advocates who are available 24/7.

In addition to answering any questions your employee might have, they should also handle the most tedious and time-consuming elements of the restoration process. Leaving your employee to focus on what really matters — their job.